July 24, 2018
Throughout Trump’s presidency he has been plagued with accusations of Russian collusion, and of being a “puppet” of Putin. After more than two years of exhaustive investigations there is still zero public evidence that President Trump or anyone associated with him nefariously colluded with Russians. In addition, Trump’s actions against Russia prove that he is not in any way controlled by the Kremlin. No matter, those that oppose Trump don’t need actual evidence. They just want him removed from office.
Unfortunately Trump’s press conference alongside Russia’s president Vladimir Putin in Helsinki Finland just added fuel to a fire already burning out of control. When Trump was asked at a press conference about Russian meddling his answer seemingly displayed acceptance of Putin’s denial of interfering in the 2016 presidential election, contradicting U.S. intelligence agencies
Sadly Trump’s opponents want nothing more than to find evidence of Russian collusion. This answer gave them hope. The reaction by those on the left was commensurate with Trump just admitting that he was a Russian spy.
The most disturbing response came from Obama’s former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan. Brennan, who once voted for a communist party candidate for president, has been a long- time vocal Trump hater. According to this former head of the CIA, the statement made by Trump is tantamount to treason. Yes, Brennan believes that stating an opinion that differs from your intelligence agencies is treasonous. Treason is a death penalty offense.
Apparently, Brennan is not familiar with our Constitution. Thankfully, the founding fathers were aware that unethical men and women could use accusations of treason as a tool to destroy political opponents, so they crafted a precise definition in the Constitution. The constitutional definition bears no resemblance to anything Trump said or did in Helsinki or at any other time.
Brennan is now a paid analyst for MSNBC. Although he no longer works for the government he still retains top-secret security clearance. This access can allow this unhinged Trump hater to view classified documents, discuss classified information with intelligence officials, and to access personal information on American citizens.
Another former member of Obama’s administration, who also retains his top -secret clearance, James Clapper, the former Director of National intelligence, accused Trump of “aiding and abetting an arch adversary”. Recently, on CNN, where he now works as a paid analyst Clapper stated that he has come to the conclusion that the Russians have something on Trump.. He is in effect stating that Trump is being blackmailed and controlled by the Russians. Unfortunately, Clapper was just one of many voices among the Trump- hating faction that baselessly made this accusation. Understandably Trump is considering revoking the clearance of Brennan, and Clapper, along with a few others that worked in intelligence under Obama.
Incredibly, an MSNBC legal “expert” actually went so far as to compare Trump’s “performance” in Helsinki to Pearl Harbor and Kristallnacht. Even for someone with the most severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome these comments are beyond the pale. More than 2,400 Americans died in Pearl Harbor, and it lead to World War II. Kristallnacht – “Night of Broken Glass” refers to two nights in Germany in 1938, foreshadowing the Holocaust, in which German Nazis torched synagogues and vandalized Jewish homes. The MSNBC host Ali Velshi, not only offered no push back to these outrageous statements, he even tweeted her comments. These shameful remarks, meant to disparage Trump, actually belittle the tragic victims of these horrific events in history.
Not to be outdone by these hysterical insane claims, far left- MSNBC host, yes that’s redundant, Rachel Maddow, on last Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM JOY’, stated that “the worst case scenario that the president is a foreign agent suddenly feels very palpable.” Seriously? Maddow, who inexplicably has a nightly audience of approximately 3 million viewers, is claiming that Trump is actually secretly working for Putin against the United States.
To make the claim that someone, never mind the president of the United States, is working for a foreign government against our country, there must be some damning evidence. There is not. What Trump has done vis-a vis Russia during his tenure as president is completely antithetical to working in the best interest of Putin’s Russia.
Trump’s Actions Against Russia
Unlike Obama who was given the authorization of Congress in 2014 in the “Ukraine Freedom Support Act”, but yet refused to arm the Ukraine military, the Trump administration, since December 2017, has allowed the sale of lethal arms to the Ukraine to fight Russian aggression.
Eliciting Russian condemnation, last year Trump fired 59 tomahawk missiles at Syrian airbases. In April Trump also ordered the firing of missiles into Syria, targeting Russian military killing up to 200 pro- Syrian government Russian soldiers. In addition, the missile defense system in Poland, which Obama had abandoned in capitulation to Putin has also been reinstated.
Some of the toughest sanctions on Russian entities and Putin allies have been implemented during Trump’s tenure. Further, the Trump administration has expelled 60 Russian diplomats from our country.
To the chagrin of Putin, throughout his presidency Trump has relentlessly pressed NATO members to increase their defense spending. Defense spending among NATO members is expected to be $34 billion more this year than in 2017.
Days after Trump’s Helsinki summit with Putin, Trump claimed that he misspoke, and meant to say why “wouldn’t” Russia, not why “would” Russia have interfered in the 2016 presidential election, when asked if he believed that Russia meddled.
However, if Trump did have misgivings about acknowledging Russian meddling in the election this would be understandable because it is undeniable that the mainstream media uses the finding of Russian interference as a cudgel to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. No matter that the assessment by U.S. intelligence agencies found that the interference didn’t change the outcome of the election, and that there is no evidence of collusion.
In spite of the hysterics and vitriol unleashed by the media towards Trump this week his approval rating is at an all time high, according to a Wall Street Journal poll. Trump’s approval is 8 points higher today than it was on the day he was elected. Among Republicans 88% approve of Trump’s performance. Thankfully many can see past the bias of the media and discern the truth for themselves.